Monday, April 16, 2007

Pawmesan Wiggles

These are just adorable. They are also one of Shadow’s favorites! They are made my corn meal and whole wheat flour dog treat recipe with a little bit of Parmesan cheese mixed in. Then they are rolled in (yup!) even MORE Parmesan cheese. The treats are then rolled out and twisted up to look like something you might purchase at one of those fancy coffee shops! I have also just decided that they will now come in TWO sizes! I’ve always just made the one size, but they were only for Shadow and, well, he’s pretty doggone large! It’s just been brought to my attention that there are dogs out there that are…shall we say, small? And would rather not have a treat longer than they are. Please keep in mind that due to their handmade nature, each treat may vary slightly in appearance, although not in taste!

Regular size batch = about 35 Wiggles
Dogzilla size batch = about 18 Wiggles

*Please keep in mind that both sizes are made from the same recipe, the only difference is in the size of the treats. Weight is the same.

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