Monday, April 16, 2007

Fancy Schmancy Bones

These bones are for very special pooches that need that extra bit of pampering! They are made from my extra special secret recipe and then half-dipped into or drizzled with melted carob (whichever you prefer, although the drizzled looks smashing if I do say so myself). The “Schmancies” are a little bit harder than the “Paws” and the “Honey Bunnies”, although they are still fairly easily broken up if need be. They come in two sizes, although I’m working on a third “teensy” version for the itty bitties among us! The bones won’t really vary, but the drizzles or dipped parts are at the mercy of the carob gods. Hopefully they will be forgiving with me.

Regular size batch = about 24 Schmancies
Dogzilla size batch = about 40 Schmancies

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